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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Santañez

Vivid dreams illustrated by AI

Updated: Jul 17, 2022

In the past few months I had few weird dreams. But that didn't happen more often, some occured with three months gap at times five but unpredictable. What a bit strange is the absence of humans, only me and an appearance of animal, but only one kind in every dream. I don't remember other dreams that are quite normal but the strange ones are more vivid. While its a bit odd to describe in words, it turns out AI powered apps can draw it for me like this wombo art. The results is astonishing.

I was running towards the elevator in a dream with a black backpack. When I was on the inside I heard a crack sound which I didn't mind as there was a mother red dragon chasing me. Then a few tiny dragons came out of its shell, can't remember how many were there. There was a shade of red and yellow color on its back. I tried to throw them away with my hand but they didn't left me. I realized it was the reason why the mother was furious as it turns out I stole her eggs away. I woke up and shouted fire dragons. My sons just laughed at me. I would never forget it as the night before that I broke down in tears due to life challenges. When I woke up, I learned how to find my inner strength as I have to.

As I am typing this, I saw the list of vivid dreams I had in the past and I didn't remember I had one picking up dragon eggs. This didn't happen on the first image as I pictured that dream was. I didn't indicate the color of dragon eggs in wombo art as I couldn't remember the exact color it was. The app generated this image for me based on the short texts input I entered as you can see at the bottom left of the image.

This may not be the exact scene in my dream but its the closest one. In this one, I saw a horse with a strange shades of color, a little bit of white and its tail has purple shade. I don't remember what I was doing. Its some kind of mystery beyond my subconscious mind maybe. There was no reason for me to see a horse in a dream as I didn't watch any film nor see any pictures of it during the day so it is really puzzling me even up to now.

I don't really watch fantasy animated movies or fairytale and alike. This was the first strange dream I had. It happened when I woked up in the middle of the night it was my birthday last January. My definition of strange dream is when I saw something that isn't related to my physical reality or I haven't seen on the day .

In the dream, I heard a voice calling me in that name of Aurora. So, I searched in google if its a name of a female character in a fairytale. When I found out it was a princess. That leads me to enter text input in wombo art " princess aurora". I don't mind the color of the dress as I couldn't remember what color of dress I was wearing in that dream.

While I may not know what those dreams mean. A lot of dreams occured after that but I will share just that few. No matter what the future holds for us, I am seeing this AI app can best keep these dream memories for me even if there maybe a chance of me forgetting it in time.

I hope you like the images. It surpassed my expectations. I am impressed with the results so I shared it. Remember sometimes our dream holds a message for us, at times this is where our brilliant ideas usually comes from, not unless if it occurs because you're exhausted or stressed but only you knows it.

Have a blessed Days ☕😘

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