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Revolutionizing Quantum Communication: Flying Qudits Open New Dimensions for Data Transfer

Writer's picture: Melissa SantañezMelissa Santañez
Figure 1. The signal photon, manipulated by the integrated photonic circuit, creates a 4D qudit represented by the set of orange spheres. Meanwhile, the idler photon, represented by the blue sphere, acts as a remote control for the signal photon. Credit: Haoqi Zhao, Yichi Zhang, Zihe Gao, Jieun Yim, Shuang Wu, Natalia M. Litchinitser, Li Ge, and Liang Feng

Scientists at the Changchun Institute of Optics have made a groundbreaking advance in quantum communication with the development of flying qudits. Utilizing an integrated photonic circuit, they have created a method for generating and manipulating qudits, which can encode information in higher dimensions than traditional qubits. This breakthrough promises faster, more secure data transfer and increased error resistance, paving the way for a robust quantum internet and the next generation of quantum computers. By leveraging the spatial mode and polarization properties of light, this new technology enhances the capabilities of quantum communication over long distances, ensuring data integrity and leading to potential advancements in satellite-based quantum communication and unbreakable encryption protocols.

source: Scitech Daily


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