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Biggest Breakthroughs in Astronomy 2022

Writer's picture: Melissa SantañezMelissa Santañez

When the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was launched a few days before Christmas of 2021, since then this $10 Billion dollar investment on infrared space telescope has been returning amazing things that we have never heard before. When we say amazing discoveries, this information plays an important role in Astronomy and Physics.

So before the year ends, let us recall what are those 2022 Biggest Breakthroughs in the field of Astronomy and Physics ever.

JWST brought us Earendel, the farthest single star up to date which has estimated light travel distance of 12.9 billion light years. Not only that JWST proved that Pluto is alive as there are multiple volcanic eruptions that were captured by "New Horizon" satellite sent by NASA. As well as discovery of wormholes and more. Watch the video to find out more.

source: The Secrets of The Universe Youtube Channel


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